27 April 2009

Love-Love Linea Pelle belts

Love- Love Linea Pelle belts. Super great quality at sample sale prices. Pick it up over at Shopflick.com for under $50.

Designer, Mira K. Anzaruth has a really great eye for leather, her use of texture is really what sets LP apart. The belt shown today not only has a corset type double closure in the center. it's braided in such a clever way.

Super smart as your tummy can be a sensitive area but with great texture you're actually allowing your eye to never rest on a problem area.

Celeb fans such as Ashlee Simpson, Lauren Conrad and Rhianna are wearing Linea pelle but who cares. this belt puts all the focus on you.

Style tip- Don't be afraid to wear texture on texture, this belt will work even harder with patterns underneath. Just like being hypnotized, (you're getting very sleepy) Busy and Busy make simple.

Double style tip-Very hard to find a silver that doesn't look cheap, you will have your new belt for years to come. That is if you want it that long.

Triple style tip- Belts are the icing on your seven layer cake. Belt this belt on your sweaters and coats for even more shape.

Final style tip-Ready for A-team styling? Don't wear the corset buckles in the middle. Too expected. Allow this belt to be off-centered on purpose. The perfect balance-imbalance. Just like you.


-Barbra Horowitz

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