Oh, Where do I begin? How can Gucci get so butchered? Kate Hudson has been breaking out of her signature boho attire as of late. This dress is classic Hudson but the shoe is ALL wrong. Teal on Teal, tough to do without looking like you are just getting off at LA's Fantasy Island. This dress is beautiful and again, I love me some one armed shoulder, but the slit is too high mostly because the one arm sleeve is too long on Kate's frame. If I would have styled this outfit, the choice would have been to shorten the long drippy- drapey sleeve BUT this dress is on loan as we all know. The teal match my dress-match my shoes. combo. Kate's loaned Gucci needed a flesh tone strappy stiletto without the trending platform. Number 2 misstep.. Kate should have gone for an island type one side sweeping hair style. A) Would have matched the dress and B) could have created enough imbalance to balance that drippy-drapey sleeve. Finally, the jewelry is way too flashy with that shoe.
Style Tip- Don't be afraid to alter around your body to find your perfect balance, just because a dress has a big label, doesn't mean you can't customize around your shape.
Double style tip- When wearing strong primary colors- the eighties are more than over- go for a neutral skintone, metallic or black shoe depending on the season.
Triple style tip- Hair is one of the most important accessories, always consider your choice of hairstyle for any evening affair.
Final tip-Choose your moments carefully. This outfit is way too loaded, there is no simplicity for the eye to rest on. Big Dress, bigger shoe, loud jewelry. Don' be afraid to be loud, but make sure there are quiet moments mixed in.
Away's Dwyane Wade Wine Case. This hardshell...
6 years ago
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