05 January 2009

Go Mod-Go Green-Go Envirosax

I always like to say I am not hugging trees, but there are shades of green in everything I do. i am thrilled to report on these Enviorosax reusable grocery bags. Each bag holds the equivalent of 2 supermarket plastic bags. Have you checked the monochromatic, mod styling? Now you can be dressed to the nines and instead of your grocery bag screaming tree hugger, you can enjoy the fun black and white mod stylings of Envirosax. On sale today only at 20% off. Scoot yourself over to http://www.delight.com.

Style tip- Consider using one of these bags as your weekend bag, Get out of the Gucci, Prada branded bag for a much more relaxed organic vibe. I say, Good for you, Envirosax! a super chic reusable grocery bag we can all get behind.

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