07 January 2009

Toms Shoes crushes their goal

Oh the power of giving. Especially to a child in real need. So You Think You Have Nothing To Wear is more than a reality for the children in Ethiopia. Toms Shoes founder Blake Mycosky, a visionary pioneer in his one for one mission took on the big time goal of 30,000 shoes in 30 days this past December. In typical Toms style, they squashed their goal of 30,000 shoes by 7,000 pairs. All thanks to you. While you were gifting your loved ones this holiday you were also gifting an Ethiopian child with his/her very first pair of shoes.
Now, that's the true meaning of Christmas.

Style tip- Go and purchase Toms wrap boot, inspired after polo horses bandages and Toms classic espadrille.
Be a part of the Toms movement-improve your style and your karma.

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