09 January 2009

Tracey Ross talks to Barbra about closing her iconic Sunset boutique.

Just 3 days after closing her legendary Sunset boutique, Tracey Ross was in studio with me and special co-host/retailer as well, Darren Gold. I am so impressed with Tracey, she was a pioneer in how she led the way for small boutique retailing. Unfortunately a symptom of our sickly economy, Tracey could not withstand the over 70% off markdowns by the larger retailers. Tracey really lets it all hang out and teaches me one of her golden rules- When you aren't having a good day simply-ACT AS IF! Words to live by.

I invite you to listen to this VERY special Fashion 411-it's NEVER just about the clothing. Heard exclusively on http://www.karmasolradio.com

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If you could have a fashion stylist on speed dial . . .

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