28 January 2009

Is this really a weighty issue?

Ashlee Simpson is completely right, we just swore in Barack Obama, hope is blazing universally. Are we really going to launch an attack on Jessica Simpson's weight? JS is not guilty of putting on weight whatsoever but perhaps wearing a fashion trend that is not appropriate for a curvy girl like herself. I get that most of you would not wear high waisted pants as a fashion statement. This look is really reserved for waif like gals without a huge bust. How does this post apply to you? Are you wearing clothing that dates you? Celebrity is just the example that I use to illustrate how important it is to know when it is time to update your wardrobe or let go of an item of clothing that no longer suits you. Here's the thing, you shop as you saw yourself as a young girl and once your figure begins to fill out, you want to continually keep your look updated. Jessica Simpson clearly likes the high waisted jean but it really is too much denim on her petite busty frame. Learn from the mistakes of the celebs and apply the lessons to yourself.

Style Tip-Keep it current, while you may not be setting trends you could be dating yourself by older clothing. Bring one new piece to the party. Not every women is a shopper and sometimes not studying the times is just as bad as the gal that can't get herself out of the stores.

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