27 March 2009


Everyone's entitled to a fashion faux pas. BUT when you're Jennifer Lopez well she's wedged.

JLo has earned the status of fashion icon BUT her top just aint talking to her pants. JLO looks as if she got caught at her lover's house and put this outfit together from clothing left in her trunk.

I mean, I've had some walk of shame moments myself, thankfully not caught by the paparazzi. Good to be infamous not famous.

Style Tip- Always consider the best parts of your body when strategically covering other areas that could appear larger in clothing.

I don't even want to imagine what this outfit looks like from the back of Hollwood's most notorious BUTT. Let's not think about it k?

Double style tip- Once you set a standard of excellence, there's no room for anything BUT. Keep this in mind when raising your own fashion bar. Consistency is KIng.

Post Script- BUT the boots are SICK.

posted by Barbra horowitz


Paige Fellers said...

the boots are great!

Anonymous said...


Can you please tell us what we should wear with our "boyfriend jeans" and your favorite brand?

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