25 March 2009

The Break-up Diet at Any Age.

Yippee for VB. Sometimes all you need is a break-up to change your life. Valerie Bertinelli has every right to be chinning and grinning it.

VB looks better than she did when she was younger. In fact, at 42 myself, I bet she's even happier.

There is no rule that a women has to get old. Old is in YOUR mind. Are you wishing those lbs. would melt away? Then ask yourself why they aren't.

Are you stuck in a relationship that doesn't fulfill you?

Do you think you're at a certain age? Bye bye bikini.

Are you holding on to weight as a security blanket?

Only you can answer these tough questions. I know one thing if I can look like that in my bikini at 49. Sign me up.

Are you ready to make the change for yourself? Itsy bitsy bikini's are so much fun to wear. Brazilian cut. mmmm.

Style Tip-Don't let anyone hold you down. Don't let weight keep you back. Dress for who you are right at this moment. Put a plan of health FIRST. Lay off the junk food, fake sugar and soda's and you'll be on your way.

Double style tip-When you begin to drop weight, there is nothing more fun than getting dressed. Life is not about destination happiness. The journey is in changing your habits for the best most radiant YOU!
Inside and out.


posted by Barbra Horowitz

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