18 March 2009

Are you DYING for the Trends?

Don't worry just cuz you don't have any extra money. In fact, doesn't the age old cliche hold true? "Necessity is the mother of invention" so whatcha waiting for? Orange is going to be HOT HOT HOT this Spring/Summer. Instead of moping that you can't swing for an H & M sundress, do something original. Dye for the trends instead of buying for the trends. Isn't that clever? Well here's how you can get whatcha want with a couple of bottles of Rit Dye. Next time your at Ralph's or Rite-aid...check em out.

Style tip-Last season's not so white's. Gather them up and throw them in your washer, bathtub, pot, garbage can, whatever you feel will not make you crazy. Hint-when dying in the washer, just throw bleach in for a full cycle after. Want extra green points throw in some towels you need to wash.

Double style tip-The greatest thing about dying is you can't ruin ANYTHING you aren't attached too. You can dye anything and everything that's a natural fiber. What's even BETTER is the thread of your original garment will not dye but watch the detail it creates.

Triple Style Tip-Your wardrobe options will triple when you dye a few pieces the same color. New friends to the party.

Final style Tip-The more items you add the lighter the color and visa versa. No worries when you go to wash after you wear, the dye will set but you can always wash alone for the first few washes. I never do.

Epilogue-I want you to begin looking at your wardrobe for the next episode....ok, sorry, listening to Dr. Dre and Snoop, but you feel me. Clothing serves to clothe us but once its over for you, create the next hot trend from what you already own. That's pure street dawg.

posted by Barbra Horowitz

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