26 December 2008

When bad styling happens to Celebrities

Here is Kelly Ripa on the OMG worst dressed list for 2008. As I post about Madonna below, this dress is fun, but ironically, both celebs should have switched their furry frocks with one another. Kelly Ripa has very slim legs that don't have the depth of muscle that Madonna' do. I would have put Kelly in the grassy number which would have suited Kelly's petite body much better and put Madonna in the longer black Maribou dress. Kelly's outfit is a case of bad styling not a disaster. This dress is overwhelming Kelly's frame and the shoes are completely closing her in, Had Kelly worn a chunky cut up shoe like Madonna is below and simply shortened the hemline, this outfit would have worked. In it's current styling, the no hose paired with the almost go to work style shoe, just took this outfit from what could have been to confusing.

Style Tip-Busy and busy make simple, when creating a risky outfit, two busy pieces will cancel each other out Don't even think of bringing a work style shoe to the party.

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