18 December 2008

Hautelook.com Sample Sale picks for Thurs. Dec. 18

I like this little french ruffle shirt with petite buttons from Paul and Joe's sister collection. It breathes on the body which makes it a great component piece for your tighter bottoms. The buttons and slight ruffles ask your viewer to look up towards your face while the looseness of the top allow you to relax your tummy.

Style tip-when buying tops that are boxier, look at them as your canvas. They are the beginning of your outfit not the finish. Take this shirt and throw a men's style, fitted vest over while buttoning only the top button of the vest. This style tip creates shape on your waist. Pair this impeteux shirt with a shorter cropped jacket allowing the bottom of the hem to hang longer over your skinny jeans or your wide leg denim trousers. Shaping your body is not always being obvious, creating layers points the viewers eye to your waist in a subtle, not obvious way.

It is the subtle moments that create style.

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If you could have a fashion stylist on speed dial . . .

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