22 December 2008

Sample Sale Picks Monday 12/22

Chanel's latest boutique on trendy Robertson blvd is rocking a dress very much like the one listed in this post. Designer Madison Marcus is doing her homework. At $84 you can take home this little one armed number and rock your own Chanel moment without that "oh so" Chanel price tag.

Style Tip-Imitation is the purest form of flattery and you as the customer get to take advantage of the extreme difference in price. If you aren't the one percent that can cash free afford the original, never feel bad for searching out her knocked off sister. True style is part high-part low. Not every part of your outfit has to scream credit card debt.

Double style tip- asymetrical dressing is all about imbalanced-balance. Not only is this dress edgy and interesting, it has the ability to deflect figure flaws. Any time you show skin to your viewer, you trip the eye to look at your lovely shoulders versus drawing down towards your middle. When wearing jewelry, throw the bracelet on the bare side of the arm. Styling is all in the balance and skin is your ultimate accessory without the price tag.

Http:/www.hautelook.com This is a timed sample sale, so no dilly dallying.

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