13 November 2008

Keisha Whittaker is back- Fashion 411-it's NEVER just about the clothing.

This week, join me, Barbra Horowitz as Keisha Whittaker shares her thoughts on the first Black President. Keisha and Forrest were on the Campaign trail for President elect Obama and Keisha is back to talk to us about how good it feels to have CHANGE.

With change in the White house, isn't it time to make your own change? Keisha and Barbra are going to tip you on how to look great without spending the money you don't have. Remember celebs are given a lot of SWAG for free, you know they want to get a deal when they are out shopping.Barbra will share -if you aren't turning and burning your wardrobe each season, you better begin. Shopping the resale,second hand stores and flea markets will give you that" I look great feeling" without the" I feel bad" pricetag. Looking good is not what you paid, looking good is shopping smart.
You won't want to miss YES WE CAN, YES YOU CAN. exclusively on http://www.karmasolradio.com

A new show goes up every wed.
Fashion 411-it's NEVER just about the clothing.

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If you could have a fashion stylist on speed dial . . .

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Get started today working with me, and I promise you will leave with a whole new approach to who you are and how you have been viewing your self and your body.
